DAY 07: Paying attention to detail.

DSC_2929Now that the majority of our wall is covered in paint and there is very little “Baldwin Beige” peeking through, we are focusing on the details. (And taking breaks for phone entertainment!) There are a lot of large elements in this mural, like the woman and man, but there are also many native plants, birds and fish scattered throughout. We are working on composition to ensure balance throughout the piece. DSC_2900Amanda is adding delicate strokes of green to create a full fern haku. After creating a dark green background as the base, she adds highlights of green to create a layered and textured look.DSC_2936Sabrina is working quietly and quickly in her corner creating and English teacher Grace shows us her painting skills with this rare geranium we saw on our Waikamoi hike. DSC_2921 Then there is Kirk’s flawless bird that looks so soft and kind. As we zero in on very specific aspects of this mural, it is getting closer to being finished. Tomorrow will be another long, hot day! DSC_2919